Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rossi's Bar and Grill - ChambersBurger

Rossi's Bar & Grill
501 Morris Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08611

Rossi's Bar & Grill is located in Chambersburg, which is Trenton, NJ's "Little Italy." Rossi's is the kind of place that passes on from generation. Your parents took you there as a kid and you still go now as an adult. Friendly service, warm atmosphere and great food make for a place you can share with kids, adults, parents and friends. It's the kind place that prides itself on a great burger.

Rossi's has a bar and a restaurant area and we chose to sit in the former. I asked the bartender "can we order food at the bar?" He answered "sorry guys. We decided to stop serving food." When he paused before continuing, I looked at my friends, surveyed the room to see if others were eating and then with an extremely puzzled and probably upset look on I my face, I asked "really?" The bartender laughed, handed us menus and asked what we wanted to drink.

Although Rossi's offers a full menu, it's all about the burger. I ordered a burger cooked medium rare with cheddar cheese, onions and lettuce along with a side of well done fries. It was a monster of a sandwich better eaten with 2 hands. Russ opted to cut his in half but I dove right in. It was exactly as promised and anticipated. A perfectly cooked, old-school, manly sized burger. No need for fancy toppings or specialty beef mixes, Rossi's keeps it simple. A great roll, fresh lettuce, raw onions and a nice slice of cheese helped to make this greasy burger a good one.

I like a simple burger done right and that's exactly what you get at Rossi's.

Be sure to check out the amazing looking bacon on Bram's burger!

7 out of 10 ounces

R.I.P. Lynn - This one was warm, friendly and welcoming, just like you. Cheers.


  1. cheesy, super bacony, and burgery. It's pretty much a hat trick. My brother worked in Trenton for a while, and when I told him where I was, he said "their burgers are awesome." He wasn't lying.

  2. I love burgers, but always get the steak sandwich and homemade chips here... had the burger once, and the steak sand is way better.
