Monday, March 9, 2009

Silver Spurs - Move Along Little Doggies

Silver Spurs Restaurant
771 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Since moving into our new offices in Union Square, NYC, we have been exposed to all kinds of new burger options. A few co-workers have told me that they swear by the Silver Spurs just a few blocks south of us. So when my new neighbors (but long time friends) Rich and Bob suggested a burger to celebrate the move, we hit the double S. Silver Spurs is a chain restaurant in NYC that for all intensive purposes, is really just a rodeo themed diner with a large burger list. All the burgers have funny Southern tinged names like " Slu Foot Sue - American cheeze," "Sadie˜nite Special - monty jack, muenster & swiss combo," "Appaloosa American, bacon, ham, mushrooms, onionz" or the "El Buckin’ Bronco bacon, black beans n' pica de gallo." You get the gist.

I ordered a Slu Foot cooked medium rare on an English muffin (my fave!) with American Cheese and a fried egg (another fave) after proclaiming "I'm kind of a basic guy when it comes to burgers." The sheer size of the beast was impressive. I thought to myself "how the hell am I going to go back to work after eating this?!??!" Unfortunately, that is where the excitement ended. The burger was overcooked to medium or medium well. The eggs added no special flavor. The burger was greasier than a dipstick in a dragster and ended up turning the bottom half of the English muffin into pure mush. The meat itself was bland and without that special zing of flavor that quality ground beef carries. It was a large boring, waste of calories, carbs, fat grams and my day! I dragged throughout the afternoon and ended up crashing on my couch around 9:30 pm. Bob got a chicken sandwich that looked pretty good so hopefully his review is a little better than mine.

On a more positive note, the fries were pretty damn good and it was excellent catching up with some good friends.

5 out of 10 ounces


  1. it's "intents and purposes" not "intensive purposes"

  2. The chicken sandwich is called The Uncle Momo, and it kicks ass
